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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When do I get paid?

Payments are credited and sent automatically by the 12th day of the month for trades where cashback has been accumulated between the first and the last day of the previous month.

Occasionally a payment is delayed as a result of slow or inaccurate data coming from the broker.

Payment Method
Minimum Payment
Bank wire$40200
PaypalNo Fees10
Crypto(BTC)No Fees *40
Crypto(ETH)No Fees *20
Crypto(USDT-ERC20)No Fees *40
Crypto(USDT-TRC20)No Fees *10
Direct to broker account
Spread or commission reduction

* Network fees are applied by the network and can vary based on the congestion of network traffic and the size of the transaction; and in some extreme cases consume your entire payment amount

Never! If in doubt we encourage you to confirm directly with the broker.



If you feel there is a mistake, we will be happy to investigate further. Please send us a copy of your broker account statement and request to have your account reviewed.

Clients are allowed one profile and may not refer themselves. Multiple profiles for the same client will be consolidated to a single profile.

If a client profile has no referrer and is less than 30 days old, a referrer may be added by contacting us.

Not sure which broker to open an account with?

Our experienced staff can help choose a broker that is best for you based on your specific needs. We promise to look out for your best interests!

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